Marine Eco-Label Japan Council
Marine Ecolabel Japan (also known as MEL) is a fishery eco-label that certifies fishery eco-labels that actively manage sustainable use of fishery resources and the conservation of the environment and ecosystems, as well as businesses that process and distribute marine products from such producers.It aims to contribute to the development of Japan’s fishery industry and fish food culture to protect the rich sea.

MEL obtained approval from GSSI on December 12, 2019 (local time).In the Higashimachi Fishing Cooperative’s efforts to standardize the international area, we have established a system that can ship farmed brie for MEL-V2 (GSSI certified fish) on an anniversary basis.
Aquaculture Stephenship Council
It will be an international certification system for aquaculture industry operating in consideration of local communities without burdening the environment by the Aquaculture Management Council (also known as ASC). ASC certification is an eco-label for farmed seafood.ASC certification includes “aquaculture certification” to certify aquaculture companies and “Chain of Sugary (COC) certification” to ensure traceability of certified marine products. The Azuma-Cho Fishing Cooperative produces some fish in the in-pipe farm as certified fish.